Sunday, October 24, 2010

Dengue Fever Remedy

Hydrotherapy cures Dengue in just three days.

Chikungunya and dengue are just two of the diseases carried by this Asian Tiger Mosquito. And it is coming to Australia! If you want to start to feel really uncomfortable read (or listen) to ""Dengue Epidemic" replayed this month on ABC Radio National. This little mossie is called the "barbecue stopper" because of their nasty sting. Even their name, Aedes, means "unpleasant".

The good news, after listening to that programme is that hydrotherapy treatments are effective for most fevers, I have had most experience with Dengue, but have treated glandular fever and childhood fevers.

The first important point about treating fevers with hydrotherapy is to begin as soon as the fever is detected. It doesn't matter what actually causes the fever, hydrotherapy is effective for most. An early start means that the disease is resolved more quickly, decreasing the chance of the serious complications like cerebral malaria and haemorrhagic dengue. Patients also miss out on those non-fatal but painful bone and joint pains in dengue and chikungunya.

Second, work out which sort of fever it is. In dengue (and all the other diseases mentioned in this post) it is commonly a Retention Fever with cold skin, shivering, goose bumps and chilly sensations.

Treatment is similar to my previous post on Malaria. That is, a Sweating Treatment followed by a Graduated Tonic Cold, daily for three days.

In practice this is the regime we used for dengue:
Russian Bath for 20 minutes, until sweating profusely, followed by Cold Mitten Friction, daily for three days. We never needed a fourth treatment as all the people we treated had recovered enough to leave hospital without any weakness or tiredness. This compares to the usual ten days in hospital followed by weeks of lethargy. Kellogg recommends using the Cholera treatment while febrile, which is a Hot Blanket Pack then Cold Mitten Friction.

For Glandular Fever I used a Hot Tub Bath until sweating, followed by a Cold Shower. Once again this was daily for three days when the patient was fully recovered and returned to work.

However you can use whatever Sweating Treatment is handy for you. The Sweating Pack is very good and Cold Pours are easily done after Packs and Tub Baths.

One reason that these treatments are so effective is that they really boost the immune system. The white cell count is often trebled by the third day. This was confusing for our referring doctors initially, as they thought the patients were developing another infection, when the patients were feeling quite well and eager to leave hospital.

Another important benefit of treating fevers with hydrotherapy is that the patient doesn't have to expend the huge amount of energy required to produce the fever needed to respond to the disease.

It is a surprise to most people that fevers are a good thing (as long as they don't get too high). Fevers are the front line of the immune response to infection and the hydrotherapy treatments listed here push heat into the body, assisting the rise in body temperature without the body having to work so hard. This is why there is less weakness or prostration after a fever treated with hydrotherapy.

I would love to hear of your experience with fevers so please leave a comment.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Morning Sickness Remedy

Heating Trunk Packs relieve nausea and pain during pregnancy.

More than half of all pregnant women suffer from morning sickness but the treatment typically aims "to lessen the symptoms of nausea, rather than attacking the root cause(s) of the nausea" (Wikipedia). This usually means that a mother suffers weeks of discomfort, and sometimes distress, during pregnancy. This can be avoided with hydrotherapy.

Dr Abbott, when talking about severe morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum), said the Hot and Cold Abdominal Pack is an "almost never-failing remedy".

When she is pregnant my wife has relatively mild morning sickness and used hydrotherapy in her last two pregnancies. One treatment would relieve morning sickness for about two weeks when it would be repeated with similar effects. She has used it on other women with similar results. All of the cases I am aware of were not severe, but they uniformly had relief.

For use at home, the Heating Trunk Pack is the safest and easiest. Because it seems a little complex to the beginner, I wrote up the full procedure. Kellogg says the cause of morning sickness is Celiac Congestion and so the treatments are all Vascular Antiphlogistics any of which would probably work so if you want to modify things then go ahead.

Please leave a comment if this treatment helps you, or someone you love, enjoy their pregnancy without the effects of nausea.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Malaria Treatment

A friend on the western border of Thailand sent me a email asking about treating malaria with hydrotherapy.

This makes sense because a lot of the malaria in this area is resistant to preventives and can lead to cerebral malaria, which if it doesn't kill, often leaves the person with major brain damage. I know this because I taught hydrotherapy up on the Burma border about 20 years ago and saw the results of malarial infection.

The Traditional Hydrotherapy page on Malaria lists a lot of treatment methods but basically it is a heating treatment until the patient starts sweating and then a Graduated Tonic Cold which is a short cold treatment. Then the patient is wrapped up warmly to sleep and for other treatments.

As with all treatment, the sooner it is started, the better. One of hydro's great advantages is that it doesn't interfere with other treatment and even if we have misdiagnosed, it won't cause any damaging side effects in most cases.

So... if it looks like it may be malaria, start treating it straight away before the patient gets weak.

On days 1,2 and 3 do something to get the patient sweating (but make sure they have a Cooling Compress on their head). The hill tribe people I worked with wrapped a patient in black polythene plastic out in the sunshine, to achieve sweating.

Once sweating started do a quick cold treatment. The tribe's people would quickly dunk them in the very cold river.

They are kept warm between treatments.

The principles are much the same for all fevers.
If you have experience at treating malaria successfully with hydrotherapy, please contact me.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Traditional Hydrotherapy is Online!

This is really a big day. At long, long last the website is now live.

It has taken exactly a year from when I decided to get serious about turning Traditional Hydrotherapy from a dinky DOS programme into a stunning (hyperbole) website. And 19 years after I started going through the original books and putting them on HyperHelper.

Admittedly the content is still the same, it just looks a whole lot more attractive. It is easier to use with redundant cards combined and plenty of indexes and navigation added.

Please visit Traditional Hydrotherapy and tell me if you find mistakes. There must be some!

I'm not sure when the Google Search function will begin working. Google has to index the site first. Apart from that it looks good to me.

For those of you who can actually use the information on the site, I would love you to tell me how it goes. If I get enough feedback I will start a forum where you can add to the knowledge base of currently used and successful (or unsuccessful) hydrotherapy.

Big sigh of relief... and prayer of thanks to God.

What am I going to do now? Maybe get some more sleep... or relaxation? Software Freedom Day next weekend so that's next Sunday out.

Vim Makes a Sitemap File

This is probably the last tech (Vim) post I will be making as Traditional Hydrotherapy is online.

To try to jump start Google into indexing the site, I made a sitemap.xml file manually. I'm not sure if it will work, but I submitted it to Google anyway.

The instructions were quite clear from Manually Creating Sitemap Files, but how to achieve it quickly with Vim and over 900 files to index?

I used Split Screens, Reading-in files and, of course a repeating Macro.

I started by manually doing my home directory and making sure the parts worked. This was the longest part of the process and involved making some files (to read in) and the macro.

I had to produce code like this for each file:

I first made two files "top.n" and "end.n" to get the beginning and end of the url block
This is top.n:
This is what end.n looked like:
Then I opened "sitemap.xml" in the hydro home directory (where the file would end up) and split the screen to "Problems/PageIndex.html" (using :sp Problems/PageIndex.html). PageIndex consist of an alphabetical list of all the pages in the directory, in this case the Problems directory.

I had to get the cursor in the right place in both files so moving to the line above the first file in the PageIndex list I then used Ctrl-W-P to move back the sitemap file then "G" to take me to the end of the file and ran this macro:
:read top.n^MG$^Wpj0f"lyt"^Wpp:read end.n^MkJxG$
:read top.n^M I read-in the contents of the top.n file (^M represents the single character for Enter, don't try to copy this file as I've escaped all the special characters - better to make your own keyboard macro)

G$^Wpj0 - move the cursor to the end of the sitemap file and Ctrl-W-p (CTRL is ^W) to take me to the PageIndex file and then move down one line and to the beggining of the line.
f"lyt" - find the first quote on the line, move one character to the right and yank to the next quote (this simply copies the url of the file from the link).
^Wpp - Ctrl-W-p back to the sitemap file and put the yanked text (the url)
:read end.n^M - read in the contents of end.n
kJx - move up one line and join the next line, deleting the space.
G$ - move the cursor to the end of the file and end of the line, ready for the next itineration of the macro.

Of course the this macro was repeatable so I just typed:
and it simply itinerated down the list 300 times. (the macro was in the "a" register)
When it got to the "</ul>" at the end of the list of files, it just stopped the macro as there was no " on the line.

I had to modify top.n and end.n for each of the four sections (Diseases, Effects, Problems, and Techniques) but otherwise it was quite quick.

I indexed 955 files in all.

The last bits were easy, I just added the xml header and footer and the file was complete.

Originally it was over 130 kb so I turned it into a 7kb .gz (sitemap.xml.gz) and ftp'd it to the site. Then I used Google Webmaster tools to submit it to Google.

Done. I think.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vim wnext, and Macros for Multiple Files

I have finished the pages for the home section. Yipee!, praise God! Almost done.
But while I did these pages I found a few things I needed to change on all the other cards. The first two were warnings from the validator:
  1. My XHTML namespace declaration was invalid because I hadn't stated which language I was using. I needed to delete the whole line and insert a declaration that included xml:lang to denote the primary language of the page.
  2. Most of the tooltips had a space at the end of the title's value, just before the closing quote. I needed to delete them all.
  3. I needed to add a copyright notice on every page.
This meant at least two changes on every one of 988 files.... but thanks to Vim the whole thing took under an hour.

First I made two files and put them in the home directory:

lang.txt was
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">

And copy.txt:
<p>© Copyright 2010 Bruce Thompson</p>

Then I moved into a section (eg. Diseases with 202 pages) and in the console:
gvim *.html

This started Vim editing all 202 html files in the directory and displayed the first file. I then recorded the following macro "@A":
/<html xml^Mddk:read ../lang.txt^MG?div^Mk:read ../copy.txt^M:%s/ ">/">/ge^M

/<html xml^Mdd Find the present namespace declaration (^M is Enter - didn't type it, just pressed Enter) and delete the line
k:read ../lang.txt^M - Move up one line and read the lang.txt file
G?div^M - Move to the end of the file and search backwards for the last closing div
k:read ../copy.txt^M - Move up a line (to where the copyright needed to be) and read in the copy.txt file.
:%s/ ">/">/ge^M - Substitute the attribute ending with the space for one without a space. The "g" flag means that it will substitute all the occurrences on the line but the "e" flag is essential in a multifile macro because this doesn't report an error when there is no occurence in a particular file (and therefore stop the macro repeating).

After I checked the file and validated it. I made a new macro "@B":
:wnext^M/<html xml^Mddk:read ../lang.txt^MG?div^Mk:read ../copy.txt^M:%s/ ">/">/ge^M

:wnext - Wrote the file and moved to the next file in the series then repeated what I had done in previous macro, "@A".

When this file validated correctly, I issued the following command

This repeated the "@b" macro on the remaining 200 files in the directory.

I repeated this for each of the remaining three sections and had it all done in under an hour. So it is now finished... I've only got to find a place to host it.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vim Pagemaking Macro

Today is a high day. I finished making content pages (all the Hydrotherapy stuff) at 2.30 this afternoon. I wondered if it would ever end.
The numbers breakdown is:
Diseases: 202
Effects: 54
Problems: 437
Techniques: 295
Making a grand total of 988 pages.

The Vim pagemaker macro I used was:

/#card^Mf<"ly2f>:sp PageIndex.html^MG$o^[p:wq^Mj^"ty$j"fy$:sp ^Rf^M:read top.h^MG$"tp:read head.h^MkJxG$:read cont.h^MG$:read breadcrumb.h^Mj/<\/p>^Mh"tpG$"tpa</h1>^[^Wwjma/#end^Mkd'a^WWpG$:read rightbox.h^MG$:read badge.h^MG$:read bottom1.h^MG$:read col1.h^MG$:read bottom2.h^MG$:read col2.h^MG$:read bottom3.h^MG$:read col3.h^M/^Rf^M^faa class="here"^[G$:read footer.h^MG:w^M
To tease it out a bit we need to remember that the first three lines of the card "Visceral Congestion" were:
#card @<a href="VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a>
Visceral Congestion

And we need to know that:
"l = register L etc
^M = Enter
^[ = Escape
^W = Ctrl-W (for window navigation with a split screen)
^R = Ctrl-R (reads in the contents of following register)

The macro would start with the cursor in the previous card so:

/#card^Mf<"ly2f>:sp PageIndex.html^MG$o^[p:wq^M

will find the first line of the card, yank the link, <a href="VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a>, to Register L (Link) and append this link to the end of the Page Index file.
j^"ty$j"fy$:sp ^Rf^M

Then moving down to the second line (Visceral Congestion) then yanks it to Register T (Title). Then it moves down to the third line (VisceralCongestion.html), appends it to Register F (Filename) and splits to a window editing the file, VisceralCongestion.html.

:read top.h^MG$"tp:read head.h^MkJxG$:read cont.h^MG$

This starts the Visceral Congestion.html with the DTD and other HTML down to the <title> tag by "reading" in the contents of a file I had previously made called "head.h". It then puts the contents of Register T (Visceral Congestion) and moves to the end of the file (with G$) before reading in the contents of the file "cont.h" which takes us down to the top of the content of the file.

:read breadcrumb.h^Mj/<\/p>^Mh"tpG$"tpa</h1>^[

This reads in the breadcrumb navigation, which I made at the beginning of each section, and places the title at the end then completes the heading of page by placing the title in h1 tags.


Using window navigation we return to the lower window containing the contents of the card, places Mark A (ma) on the first line of the file (just below the filename and searches for the end of the card. It then deletes the card's contents, navigates up a window puts the contents then moves to the end of the file.

:read rightbox.h^MG$:read badge.h^MG$:read bottom1.h^MG$:read col1.h^MG$:read bottom2.h^MG$:read col2.h^MG$:read bottom3.h^MG$:read col3.h^M

A long list of file with various HTML are read in at the end of the file, the last ones containing the site map at the bottom of the page. The "col" files had the contents of the map.

/^Rf^M^faa class="here"^[G$:read footer.h^MG:w^M

Once the contents of the site map were read in, the page's title needed highlighting with the class "here" and the footer file finished off the page.

I then opened the page in Firefox, corrected any obvious problems then validated it with Total Validator (6.3.0) as desktop tool.

Total Validator was great with British English spellchecking and accessibility validation as well as the expected HTML validation.

The whole process for one page without major problems took only a minute.

But now it's finished. Just the main index page and the messy stuff up the top of the site to write now.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tooltips with Vim Regular Expressions

Off the top of your head, can you define "anodyne" or "faradic"?

Probably not, but these and many more obscure words, occur throughout Traditional Hydrotherapy. To overcome the lack of knowledge of these terms I had made up a glossary. I now wanted to make this available easily to the reader of Traditional Hydrotherapy. The answer was in Tooltips.

To illustrate a tooltip just hover your mouse over anodyne or faradic. That box that springs up is a tooltip and exactly what I needed... a simple way to get the definition to the reader.

The code for the "anodyne" tooltip looks like this:

<span title="a treatment to relieve pain">anodyne</span>

Problems presented themselves immediately, and, as always, Vim was up to the task.

This is the text from the glossary file (made under DOS with PCWrite):

#card @faradic
electric current used mainly for stimulating innervated muscle, consists of pulsed DC current

Problem: I had to turn the definition into a single line.
Answer: Use "J", which appends the following line with a space in between.

Second Problem: These words are often part of larger words and I didn't want to chop words up.
Answer: Use the Vim regular expressions:
Word Beginning, "\<", and Word End, "\>".

This way I would be able to make tooltips around whole words only.

Thirdly: how do I substitute the text for both upper and lowercase occurrences, "Faradic" and "faradic"?

The answer is two macros that begin on the "#card" in the glossary file, glos.txt and split to a single file which contained all four html files (appropriately called "big.html" as it ended up at over 3Mb:

@G - which deals with lowercase version

then @M which does the tooltips for the upper-case and also deals with words in the titles of pages.

and @N a final macro that corrects some of the changes @M made and goes to the next card in the glossary.

Let's have a look at the macros:
/@^Ml"tyEj^"dy$:sp big.html^M:%s+\<^Rt\>+<span title="^Rd">^Rt</span>+gc^M
/@^M -search for "@"
l"tyE - move right one (onto the first letter of the title) and yank to End of the word into register "t"
j^"dy$ - move down one line and to the beginning of the word then yank to end of line into register "d"
:sp big.html^M - split screen and open into the file containing all the html
:%s+\<^Rt\>+<span title="^Rd">^Rt</span>+gc^M
:%s+\<^Rt\>+^Rt+gc^M - the business substitution - using Word Beginning, "\<", and Word End, "\>", this is to prevent words as part of URLs being substituted. The registers are called using the "-R (register letter)" form. The substitution is for all occurrences on a line and "c"hecks. so I can be sure it is going OK.

^Wpk/@^Ml~h"lyE^Wp:%s+^Rl.html+LL^Rl.html+ge^M:%s+\<^Rl\>+<span title="^Rd">^Rl</span>+gc^M
^Wp - return to the previous window (glos.txt) with -W p
k/@^M - move up a line and search for "@"
l~h - move one letter to the right and change the case of the letter (to capitalise)
"lyE^Wp - yank to end of the word into register "l" and return to the previous window (big.html)
:%s+^Rl.html+LL^Rl.html+ge^M - a substitution to add "LL" to the beginning of the word if it is a filename and thus preventing it being changed.
:%s+\<^Rl\>+<span title="^Rd">^Rl</span>+gc^M - much the same as the substitution in @G except using register "l" instead of "t"

:%s+LL^Rl+^Rl+ge^M - a substitution to remove the, now unneeded "LL" notice the "e" tag which means it doesn't stop on an error (usually where the LL doesn't exist because there were no pages to be made with that filename)
:wq^M - write and quit the big.html file
j/#card^M - now in glos.txt, move down a line and search for the next occurrence of "#card" (for the next word)

Using these files I managed to add tooltips to about 200 words in my spare time last week.

Now to make all those files (and validate them).

Monday, April 5, 2010

CSS Compliant Facebook Badge

I made a Fan Page for Traditional Hydrotherapy. There is nothing on it yet, I just needed to get a URL so I could finish my page layout. I decided to place a Facebook badge for this page in the right column of the website's pages if there was nothing else to go there.

When I created a badge the Facebook way. I ended up with this HTML to put on each page:
<!-- Facebook Fan Badge START -->
<div style="width: 100%;">
<div style="background: #3B5998;padding: 5px;">
<img src="" alt="Facebook"/>
<img src="" alt="" width="0" height="0"/>

<div style="background: #EDEFF4;display: block;border-right: 1px solid #D8DFEA;border-bottom: 1px solid #D8DFEA;border-left: 1px solid #D8DFEA;margin: 0px;padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;">

<div style="background: #EDEFF4;display: block;padding: 5px;">

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="top"><img src="" alt=""/></td>
<td valign="top">
<p style="color: #808080;font-family: verdana;font-size: 11px;margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px;"><a href="" title="Bruce Thompson" target="_TOP" style="color: #3B5998;font-family: verdana;font-size: 11px;font-weight: normal;margin: 0px;padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;text-decoration: none;">Bruce Thompson</a> is a fan of</p>

<div style="background: #FFFFFF;clear: both;display: block;margin: 0px;overflow: hidden;padding: 5px;">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="middle">
<a href="" title="Traditional Hydrotherapy" target="_TOP" style="border: 0px;color: #3B5998;font-family: verdana;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;text-decoration: none;">
<img src="" style="border: 0px;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;" alt="Traditional Hydrotherapy"/>
<td valign="middle" style="padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px;">
<a href="" title="Traditional Hydrotherapy" target="_TOP" style="border: 0px;color: #3B5998;font-family: verdana;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;margin: 0px;padding: 0px;text-decoration: none;">Traditional Hydrotherapy
<!-- Facebook Fan Badge END -->

Which produces a badge that looks like this:

I thought the HTML was far too messy so decided to hack it and make an equivalent using CSS.

My CSS looks like this:
/*Facebook fan page badge */
width: 100%;
background: #3b5998;
padding: 5px;
background: #edeff4;
display: block;
border-right: 1px solid #d8dfea;
border-bottom: 1px solid #d8dfea;
border-left: 1px solid #d8dfea;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px 0px 5px 0px;
background: #ffffff;
clear: both;
display: block;
margin: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 5px;
#fbbadgecont a{
border: 0px;
color: #3b5998;
font-family: verdana;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
text-decoration: none;
#fbbadgecont p{
padding-top: 5px;
.align-left{ float:left; margin: 0 15px 0 0; }

The HTML looks like this:
<div class="rightbox">
<div class="product_wrapper">
<p>Become a fan at...</p>
<div id="fbbadgetop">
<img src="../images/fb_logo_small.png">
<div id="fbbadgemid">
<div id="fbbadgecont">
<a href="" title="Traditional Hydrotherapy" target="_TOP"><img src="../images/fbtartan.jpeg" class="align-left"></a>
<p><a href="" title="Traditional Hydrotherapy" target="_TOP">Traditional Hydrotherapy</a></p>

And the new badge is:

I'm quite pleased with this but I'm sure that there are plenty of people who can make it even lighter. Or maybe I should just turn it into a png image...

Which would be lighter and faster? Please let me know.

And this whole exercise begs the question...WHY?

Well the simple answer is that I don't want the validator going off with every page I make. (and I love messing around with stuff).

Monday, March 22, 2010

HTML Finished!

Yep, I finished the most draining part so far yesterday morning.

Now I have just four files
Diseases.html   586,302 kb
Effects.html    138,709
Problems.html   753,148
Techniques.html 519,271

That's nearly 2 Mb... a whole lot of typing!

It was great to have this over. Pretty boring and repetitive, so will probably be riddled with mistakes.

Thanks Steve and other LOGIN folks for the suggestion of HTML Tidy to fix these mistakes. It sounds great but isn't in the Vector repositories. Maybe I'll package it up as I will have to do most of it to install anyway It looks like a fairly straight-forward thing, not too many dependencies.

Next steps in Traditional Hydrotherapy:
1. Getting a valid sample page up.
2. Installing (packaging?) HTML tidy
3. Working out how to quickly create web pages - no doubt it will be those Vim macros again.
4. Seeing how to integrate Vim and HTML tidy (I've got a Vim addon - never used one for Vim).
5. That' enough for now.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Vim Keyboard Macros for HTML Lists

Traditional Hydrotherapy is mainly lists. To complete marking up these lists I am using a few macros:

@r to replace the "/li" at the start of a list with "ul" on the first line of the list and thus start an unordered list. (From a previous post you will know that the dash (-) bulleted lists now have "</li><li>" instead of the dash.)
This is a simple substitution and I used "+" to delimit it as the usual "/" is used in the "from" string. It means:
:s+/li+ul+ - on this line substitute "ul" for "/li"
^Mj - <Enter> and move the cursor down a line

@e To end the unordered list, on the line after the last list item:
O</li></ul> - open a line above the cursor, change to Insert mode and insert "</li></ul>"
^[j - <Escape> to Normal mode and move the cursor down a line, to where it was.

@b - for a one-line unordered list
Simply a combination of the two previously shown macros.

The two macros, "@r" and "@e", were all I needed to finish marking up lists that had the list-items marked. But there are still lists without any markup, many of them the big Section indexes. For these unmarked lists I used "@e" from above and:

@u start an unordered list, called on the first item of the list:
I<ul><li> - Open insert mode at the beginning of the line and insert the markup that starts an unordered list and the first list item
^[j - Escape back to normal mode and move down a line

@l To put "</li><li>" at the beginning of lines:
I can repeat this for all the remaining list item lines by typing, for instance "10@l" for a list with ten more list items.

@o - unordered list with a single list item. (start on line)
This simply calls two previously mentioned macros, one starts the list the other ends it.

@d - for a two-list item unordered list (which I seem to have lots of):
In the same vein as "@o" and "@b", above, this macro calls three previous macros

@c to markup comma separated lists. I'm dealing with a lot of these in Techniques.
This finds the next comma, deletes it and the following space, start Insert mode and <Enter> to move the remainder of the line down one line and mark it up as a list item, then escape back to Normal mode

I have a question out of this, maybe you can answer. Is there any way of simply pushing the remainder of a line down onto a new line the way that <Enter> does in Insert mode?

And finally today, before I get back to work.

@m - To delete a number and fullstop (or dash and space), and put in regular list-item markup:

This moves the cursor to the first character of the line, deletes 2 characters and calls @l, the list-item macro.

HTML Markup with Vim Macros

So after the last post I had four files:

  1. Diseases.txt
  2. Effects.txt
  3. Problems.txt
  4. Techniques.txt

They had all their links marked up in html and all the bullet points converted to html list items. Now I had the daunting task of marking up the rest of the html.

To make markup easier I turned on Vim's syntax highlighting by simply changing the filenames to .html like this:

  1. Diseases.html
  2. Effects.html
  3. Problems.html
  4. Techniques.html

My present job is going through each of these files and manually marking up the html. Once again Vim macros have come to the fore. As I found previously the edits were quite slow on the bigger files, so split them into smaller ones. At present I am making good progress having completed Diseases, Effects and Problems in the last month and must be about halfway through Techniques.

So here is how I'm using the macros for general html tags:

@h - To make subheadings "H3"
I<h3>^[ - move to beginning of line, change to Insert mode, insert "<h3>" to begin the heading, then <Escape> to Normal mode
A</h3>^[j - start Insert mode after the last character on the line, Insert "</h3>" to end the heading, <Escape> to Normal mode and move the cursor down a line (to begin the next macro)

@p for a one-line paragraph
This is the same as "@h" above, except the paragraph markup is inserted. To ensure that paragraphs are one-line, I use "J", which appends the next line to the end of the present line with a space between.

@t - inserts treatment heading - often missing in Diseases
This opens a line above the cursor into Insert mode and insert the treatment heading then <Esc> back to Normal mode and move the cursor down a line.

I use other substitutions to make headings as well, like:
And to get rid of redundancy in the links in the Diseases.html file:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Vim Substitution to make List Items

As you can see from the Hyperhelper code, most of my lists used "-" as the bullet.

I used "substitution" to mark these all up as List Items (ie <li> </li>).
Substitution is a command-mode command with this form:
Pretty simple and we have come across it before.
So to convert "- lists to HTML, I used:
%s+^- +</li><li>+
That is:
%s - over the whole file substitute
+ - I used "+" as a delimiter instead of the usual "/" because the slash appeared in the body of the substitution (</li>), but I could have escaped it with \/
^- + - (the "from" part of the substitution) the caret is a regular expression meaning that the search is for the pattern (in this case a dash followed by a space (- ) are the first characters on the line.
</li><li>+ - the "to". This configuration (the closing tag preceding the opening tag) is effective in closing previous list-item line and I can then simply substitute the initial closing tag with the <ul> tag to start a list. Otherwise it is all good.

If you look carefully at the Hyperhelper code, you will notice that I nested list with spaces. Subpoints were indented a space or two). To use this to effectively nest my HTML lists, I needed to simply add a space to the "from" and "to" fields of the substitution and repeat it.

The interesting thing about substitution is that it shows the number of substitutions it makes. I recorded these so I can tell you that there are a grand total of 8,034 bulleted list items in the whole of Traditional Hydrotherapy. Even though some lists are not bulleted, I would have expected more. In any case it has taken longer to write about this than it actually took to do it. Substitution is much faster than macros! The whole process was done in under an hour

So here are my substitutions followed by the number of substitutions in each of the files

%s+^- +</li><li>+
Problems: 1726 Diseases:2098 Effects:314 Techniques:186 Total: 4324
%s+^ - + </li><li>+
Problems: 1259 Diseases:1096 Effects:158 Techniques:348 Total: 2861
%s+^  - +  </li><li>+
Problems: 213 Diseases:219 Effects:32 Techniques:49 Total: 513
%s+^   - +   </li><li>+
Problems: 91 Diseases:154 Effects:8 Techniques:30 Total: 283
%s+^    - +    </li><li>+
Problems: 12 Diseases:30 Effects:0 Techniques:11 Total: 53,
Grand Total: 8,034

Quotes Headings with Vim Macros and Substitutions

Even though I had completed the Quote Index, in the pages the headings were not marked up. To do this I used both macros and substitute. Once again the substitute was much faster.

What was in the text file was:

#quote Dr Kellogg says...
#qhead Hydrotherapy Departments

The most elegantly equipped establishment for the administration
of hydriatic procedures may be only the means for bungling and
unscientific dabbling with human ailments, unless conducted under
skilled medical direction and by the aid of attendants well
trained in the versatile procedures of hydrotherapy. p 402

I wanted to change it into:
<h4>Dr Kellogg says...<h4>
<h4>Hydrotherapy Departments</h4>
<p>The most elegantly equipped establishment for the administration
of hydriatic procedures may be only the means for bungling and
unscientific dabbling with human ailments, unless conducted under
skilled medical direction and by the aid of attendants well
trained in the versatile procedures of hydrotherapy. p 402</p>

After searching for Quotes (with "/#quote") If there was a heading I would use "@g", if there was no heading (ie. it was the same as the card title) I used "@x"

"@g" - make a H4 heading for the quote IF there is a heading and finish </p> after

That is:
j^ - move the cursor down one line and to the first character on the line (ie. to the hash in #qhead)
2dw - delete two words (# and head)
i<h4> - change to Insert mode and insert the text <h4>
~@@7</h4> - <End> to move to the end of the line and insert the text </h4>
^[j - <Esc> out of Insert mode, back to Normal mode and move cursor down a line (to the body of the quote)
I<p>^[ - open Insert mode before the first character on the line and start the paragraph by inserting <p>

"@x" where there is no #qhead given, (it finds the card title and inserts it)
o^[ma - open a line below the #quote line, <Esc> to get back to normal mode and set line as "mark a"
?#card^M - search backwards for #card <Enter>
j - move down a line to the page title
"zy$ - into "register z" yank (copy) everything to the end of the line (ie the whole title)
'ap - move back to mark a (under the #quote line) and "put" the copied text (the card title)
I<h4> - before the first character of the line Insert the text <h4>
~@@7</h4><p>^[ - <End>, insert the text "</h4><p>" then <Esc> back to Normal mode

And finally: (and it was much, much faster as it was a straight-forward substitution to mark up the Quote heading)
%s/#quote Dr Kellogg says.../<h4>Dr Kellogg says...<h4>/

All up, this process took an hour.

Vim Macros, Slow Edits

Now that the html links are finished and the indexes are complete, it is time to start getting the other html done.

I started with the headings. To show where I had taken the information from I used had four headings:
  1. from Hydrothermic Remedies...
  2. from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
  3. from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
  4. from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...

Once again I used Vim's keyboard macros:

"@g" To turn all the "#from from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions..." etc. to "<h2>from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...</h2>".

That is:
/#from^M - search for #from <Enter>
2dw - delete 2 words (vim thinks "#" and "from" are both words - I could have done it with dW)
i<h2> - change to Insert mode and insert <h2>
~@@7</h2> - <End> of the line and insert </h2>
^[n - <Esc> back to normal mode and search for next occurrence of the search pattern (#from)

I did this in batches again with the command, 100@g. Even so, the whole process took several hours. It has been a long time since I could leave a computer chugging away and come back in 10 minutes and find it still working. I'm using a 1GHz machine so that could explain it.

It ran very slowly I will use substitute more in the future.

I suspect the reason it ran so slow was because I had the syntax highlighting on and Vim had recolour the rest of the file after each tag was inserted.

Vim Sort to make an Index

I have shown you how I began creating an Index of Kellogg's Quotes, firstly using Vim keyboard macros that found the quotes and put their URLs in a file. Then I used Vim's search and replace to get a file with just the quote's title and URL, in other words a list of quotes. It was not in order, so:
To sort the index list into alphabetical order:
"@w" to get the displayed text to the front of the line for sorting:
That is:
^ - move to the beginning of the line
df> - delete to and including the ">"
$p - move to the end of the "p"ut or paste what had been deleted
j - move down one line

Once again I did this 20 lines at a time with the command

Our line now looks like:
Hydrotherapy Departments</a><a href="../Techniques/OtherApplications.html">

The actual sorting is very simple
Place the cursor on the first line of the list
ma - to mark this line
G - to go to the end of the file (and the list)
!'a sort - runs the block back to the mark through the bash command "sort"



"@q" To get the link back in shape:
^ - go to the beginning of the line
2f< - move the cursor the second "<" character
D - delete to the end of the line
^P - move back to the beginning of the line and "P"ut the deleted text before the cursor
j - move down a line, ready to repeat the procedure.

Once more I repeated it 20 times with:

Finally to complete the HTML contents of QuoteIndex.html. I made the title line and marked it up as the appropriate header then simply put <ul> under the title to start the list and a </ul> at the end of the file to end the list. Then

"@w" Make into list items

I<li>^[ - Insert at the beginning of the line the text "<li> then <Esc> back to normal mode
A</li>^[ - Append at end of the line, the text, </li>
j - move down a line, ready to repeat

Once again done with a 20@w to do 20 lines at a time. And presto, the file was back to normal HTML.

The body of QuoteIndex.html is now complete.

Vim Search and Replace to edit lines

In the previous post we began making an index of Kellogg's quotes. When all the Section were read into QuoteIndex.html I used the following macros:

"@q" searches for #qhead (Kellogg's heading) and replaces the displayed text in the link with this title


/#qhead/e^M - search for #qhead and leave the cursor at the "e"nd of the search txt, (ie. the d of #qhead) <Enter>
w - move to next word to the right (the first word of the heading)
"ly$ - yank into "register l" everything to the end of the line (ie. the title of the quote, "Hydrotherapy_Departments"
2k^ - move cursor up two lines and then to the first character of the line (the #card line)
f> - "find" the first occurrence of ">" on the line and move the cursor onto it
ldt< - move one letter to the right one space then "d"elete from there to "<", ie all the displayed text.
"lP "P"ut or paste the contents of "register l" in the displayed text area of the link.

The resulting line now looks like:
#card @<a href="../Techniques/OtherApplications.html">Hydrotherapy_Departments</a>

"@w" gets rid of all the #quote and #qhead lines


This means:
/#quote^M - search for the text "#quote" <Enter>
2dd - delete two lines (the #quote and the #qhead lines)
I did this 20 cards at a time by typing
20@w until the end of the file, leaving nothing but the #card lines.

To get rid of anything but the link use a simple substitution:
%s/#card @//
- for the whole file substitute nothing for the text "#card @", in effect deleting it
The line now looks like:
<a href="../Techniques/OtherApplications.html">Hydrotherapy Departments</a>

Making an Index page with Vim Macros

As I worked my way through Kellogg's "Rational Hydrotherapy", whenever I came across particularly interesting bits of prose, I added these to a stack, "Quote". When making Traditional Hydrotherapy I appended these quotes to the appropriate cards using similar macros to those described in Vim Keyboard Macros and Split Windows. These quotes will appear in the third (right) column on the final page.
This is how a quote appeared in the file

#card @<a href="OtherApplications.html">Other Applications</a>
Other Baths
#quote Dr Kellogg says...
#qhead Hydrotherapy Departments

The most elegantly equipped establishment for the administration
of hydriatic procedures may be only the means for bungling and
unscientific dabbling with human ailments, unless conducted under
skilled medical direction and by the aid of attendants well
trained in the versatile procedures of hydrotherapy. p 402

The "#quote" marks the quote , #qhead indicates the title if it differs from the page title.

I wanted a page where people could look up quotes on particular topics, so that meant creating QuoteIndex.html... an index page.

To achieve this I used the following macros on each of the four section files:

"@q" searches for #quote and copies it, the heading and the #card (including link to the page) to quoteindex.txt (which was open in a split screen with txt file being edited, in this case Techniques.txt)

This means:
/#quote^M - search for "/#quote" <Enter>
ma - set "mark a" on the line
j$y'a - move down a line and go to the end of the line then yank (copy) everything back to "mark a"
^Wp - move back to the previous window (ie. into quoteindex.txt)
p - put (place) the two yanked lines after the previous line, in effect it appended the lines (that means we have the #quote line above the #qhead line just as it is in the Techniques file
^Wp - return to the previous window (back to Techniques.txt)
?#card^Myy - search backwards for "#card" and yank the line
^WpP - move the cursor back to the previous window (quoteindex.txt) and place insert the yanked #card line Previous to line the cursor is on (in other words it is put above the #quote line
G - move the cursor to the last line of the file
^Wp'ajj - move the cursor back to previous window (Techniques.txt) and move to "mark a" then down two lines (to get ready for the next /#quote search which was repeated until there were no more #quote found

"@w" added the directory to the link (as QuoteIndex.html will be in home directory) - change directory between
That is while editing quoteindex.txt,
/#card^M - search for next #card <Enter>
f" - find " (which puts the cursor on the double quote before the filename in the link)
a../Techniques/^[ - append into Insert mode (after the ") and insert ../Techniques/ <Esc> back to normal mode. The inserted text was changed between Sections.

For the quote we are looking at, we now have in quoteindex.txt:

#card @<a href="../Techniques/OtherApplications.html">Other Applications</a>
#quote Dr Kellogg says...
#qhead Hydrotherapy Departments

I did this for each quote in each of the Sections (Disease, Effects, Problems, Techniques separately then "read" (appended) the contents of of quoteindex.txt into QuoteIndex.html with the command:

:read quoteindex.txt

Vim Substitutions to Clean Up

Now that I didn't need the links to be unique words anymore I did a few substitutions, which are fairly obvious:
%s/H&C/Hot and Cold/ - substitutes "Hot and Cold" for "H&C" through the whole file
%s/ & / and /
%s/_/ /

Vim Find and Substitute to Finish the Links

This took longer than expected. The macros made short work of any Hyperhelper link that was spelt correctly but if I had not capitalised correctly or left out the underscore or just plain mispelled it, then the macro didn't work.

Another problem is that PCWrite didn't put the usual line endings in the code and even though Vim knew it was a DOS file, it maintained the same line wrapping as PCWrite which meant that some links wrapped over what Vim thought was a line break.

So there were many "missing links". In order to get the last 10%, I used the "Sections" in Hyperhelper. A Hyperhelper stack could have sections beginning with the line "#section" and ending with #ends

The first card of the section was, by default, an index card for that section.

By searching through each file (/#section) I was able to jump from section to section, checking that all the links were correctly marked up. As the cards were nearby in the same file, it was fairly simple to run the macros for fixing these links.

The last and more labour-intensive method of finding broken links was to write down each one I found as I moved around the files. I would have done about 200 this way.

I used the substitute command on each errant link I found. Some had a dozen, or so, occurrences, some only one. The substitute command looked like:

You saw this in the last post but it means:
%s - through the whole file, substitute for...
/^Ro/ - literally <Ctrl>-R o meaning the contents of "register o" ("o"riginal name - put in the register with a "oy2W or "oyf(end letter)).
/=@l/ the contents of "register l" ("l"ink name) - (put in the register with a "ly2f> on the link on the target file's #card line - this is the substitute text
^M - <Enter>

To fill the register in both cases I used "f". The syntax is [count]f {character}, which means Search forward to the the character on the current line and stop on the the character. "t" does a similar thing but the cursor stops before the character specified.
In the case above "ly2f> means that register l ("l) would consist of text yanked from the cursor to the second occurrence of ">" on the line. In other words register l would end up containing:

<a href="VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a>

That would take ages to type but was very quick using this method. In any case it took about two months to finish all the links.

Vim Substitution using Registers

In the last post I showed you an example of the large macros I used to create page titles and URLs. The reason they were powerful was because Substitute (:s) was combined with Registers.

Having Vim use the card title to create the contents of the registers then read them into the new page title, URL and link, all without input from me, meant that there was little possibilities of typos and other errors. It was also very quick as I never have to manually enter anything.

The particular section of the macro involved is:


This is the standard form of a substitution in Vim and lots of other places as well. What is interesting is what is being substituted. Rather than typing in the strings, both "from" and "to" strings are contents of registers.

To read in the original link name in the substitute the "<Ctrl>-R o" (insert the contents of register o) command is used. This is the command in Insert mode and it is expanded on the message line, but the "to" string (below) is not;
To read in the new link name the \=@l command is used. The "\" is the escape code and means that the "=" is not interpreted, but read literally and "@l" is the Normal mode (which we are in when we run the substitute command) method of inserting "register l".

I came across this way of doing things at StackOverflow and Vim Tips Blog. I'm not sure why the difference in methods of inserting registers is used. But it works, and quickly too, it took around 5 seconds to complete each card.

More on this substitution next time...

HTML Links with Vim Keyboard Macros and Registers

Inserting links turned out to be the most laborious part of the transition, it took about two months of my spare time.

You will notice the first three lines of the card above:
#card @<a href="VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a>
Visceral Congestion

The first line has the link to what will become the "Visceral Congestion" page, the second line will be the page's title and the third line is the page's file name.

To achieve this and to search through the rest of the text files and replace the Hyperhelper link with new HTML links I used the "@c" macro after:
  • combining the other three, non-working txt files into a single file entitled htech.txt
  • searching for the next card with "/#card" so the cursor was on the line
  • visually checking what sort of card title it was, there were six different sorts of titles.
Titles with:
  1. just spaces
  2. underscores
  3. simple one word title, probably no doubles
  4. simple one-word titles but probably with doubles (eg there is a card called "Congestion" which would affect the card "Visceral Congestion" on a simple "find and replace")
  5. underscores and spaces
  6. dashes
Visceral_Congestion was the second type, each type had its own macro. "@a" - to change all occurrences of "Visceral_Congestion" to a link to the "Visceral Congestion" page.
f@l"oyW:put^M:s/_/ /g^M0"ty$:put^M:s/ //g^MA.html^[0"fy$I<a href="~@@7">^Rt</a>^[0"ly$kma:%s/^Ro/\=@l/^M'ao^Rf^[j0f"a../Problems/^[0"ld$:sp htech.txt^M:%s/^Ro/\=@l/^M:wq^M:w^M/#card ^M

This means:
f@ - "find @", the cursor moves to the @
l - the cursor moves right one character (so it ends up on the start of the title in this case the "V")
"oyW - yank (copy) to register "o" (o for "old") the Word (that is, to the next space. In effect, all Visceral_Congestion)
:put - open a line below and insert the contents of the "yank"
^M - <Enter>
:s/_/ /g - substitute a space for every underscore on this line (becomes Visceral Congestion)
0 - move cursor to first character on the line
"ty$ - yank to register "t" (t for "title") from the cursor to the last character on the line
:put - open a line below and insert the contents of the "yank"
:s/ //g - substitute "no character" for every space on this line (in effect: delete the spaces to become VisceralCongestion)
A.html - start insert mode after the last character of the line and insert .html
^[ - escape back to normal mode
0"fy$ - move to first character of the line and yank to end of the line to register "f" (f for filename)
I<a href=" - start Insert mode before the first character of the line and insert "<a href="" (to start the link)
~@@7"> - <End> and insert ">
^Rt</a>^[ - <Ctrl>-R to insert "register t" (Visceral Congestion) followed by </a> and <Escape> to normal mode
0"ly$ - move cursor to beginning of the line and yank to "register l" (l for link) everything to end of the line
kma - move cursor up one line and set mark "a" (this is the filename line VisceralCongestion.html
:%s/^Ro/\=@l/^M - over the whole file substitute <Ctrl>-R o (that is the contents of "register o", in this case Visceral_Congestion) with the contents of @l ie "register l", (in this case <a href="VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a>) followed by <Enter>
'a - move the cursor to "mark a" (ie the filename line) now that the substitution is complete
o^Rf - open a line below in Insert mode and <Ctrl>-R f to insert the contents of "register f" (VisceralCongestion.html)
^[j0 - <Esc> to normal mode, move cursor down a line and to the beginning of the line (this is the line containing the link)
f" - "find" (move the cursor to) the first occurance of " on the line (the cursor is at the beginning of the filename in the link)
a../Problems/ - "append" (start insert mode after the cursor) and insert "../Problems/ (thus turning the link into <a href="../Problems/VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a> "../" points to a fellow subdirectory)
^[0"ld$ - escape to normal mode, move to beginning of the line, delete to end of the line to "l (register l) This deletes the contents of the line from beginning to end but the empty line remains there as you can see in file.
:sp htech.txt^M - split the screen and open htech.txt in the new window, with the cursor in the window - (this is the file containing, in this case, Diseases, Effects and Techniques - all of which will be put in other subdirectories and need links that point to the ../Problems directory) then <Enter>
:%s/^Ro/\=@l/^M - over the whole file substitute <Ctrl>-R o (the contents of "register o" or in this case Visceral_Congestion) with @l (the contents of register l, ie <a href="../Problems/VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a>) and <Enter>
:wq^M - write (save) and quit htech.txt and <Enter> (this leaves the cursor back in Problems.txt)
:w^M - write Problems.txt
/#card ^M - find the next occurrence of of "#card " (ready for the next card macro to be run)

This is a powerful and quick macro (5 seconds per card). It not only creates the title and filename (URL) of the new webpage and puts them in a place where I can call them later, it changes all the links through the whole of "Traditional Hydrotherapy" so they will point to the new URL.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Vim Keyboard Macros and Split Windows

To produce the card I showed you in the last post, which combines similarly named cards from all the six sections of the original program (Hydro, John, Harvey, George, Quote and Glossary), I used the keyboard macro capabilities of Vim.

So I would:
  • be working with a split screen (:sp), one open in the hprob.txt and the other on jprob.txt (the "John" problem file)
  • search for the card (/@Visceral_Congestion) in jprob.txt and if I found it press <Enter> so the cursor was on the #card line in jprob.txt
  • <Ctrl>-W p which takes me back to hprob.txt (my active text file)
  • put the cursor on the #card @Visceral_Congestion line in hprob.txt
  • call the following macro with "@a"

ofrom from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...^[k$^Wpofrom from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...^[k0ma/#end^Mk$d'a^Wppdd

This is:
o - opens a line below into Insert mode and inserts "from from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques..." (in practice Vim puts a hash (#) in front of the first "from" making "#from" apparently the "o" command always puts in any unusual line starts. This is great for searching later as we will see. This correctly marks the source of what is already on the card
^[ - is <Esc> and takes us back to Normal mode
k - moves the cursor up a line
$ - moves the cursor to the end of the line ready for the jprob.txt card's contents to be prepended
^Wp - is <Ctrl>-W p which moves the cursor back to the Previous window (jprob.txt) and places the cursor where it was (on the "#card" line)
ofrom from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions... - the "o" opens the line below into Insert mode and inserts "#from from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions..."
^[ - is <Esc> and takes us back to Normal mode
k - takes the cursor up a line
0 - takes the cursor to the beginning of the line
ma - sets the "a" mark on the line
/#end - searches for the next "#end" (end of card)
^M - is <Enter> so the cursor stops on the "#end"
k - moves the cursor up a line
$ - takes the cursor to the end of the line
d'a - is delete to mark "a" (in effect the contents of the whole card)
^Wp - takes the cursor back to the previous card
p - puts (pastes) the contents of the delete
dd - deletes the line where the cursor is as its empty

I would do this for each section, this one is from "John", I just changed the "from" areas of the macro before I did each new section.

The result of all this is that now all the information on Visceral Congestion is on just one card. (Which is what you saw in my last post.)

It took just over a month of working in my spare time to combine all the cards from the original six parts into just four sections:

  1. Diseases.txt
  2. Effects.txt
  3. Problems.txt
  4. Techniques.txt

These will eventually end up as four subdirectories in the final Traditional Hydrotherapy web site.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Enter Vim...

To convert the Traditional Hydrotherapy Hyperhelper stack to HTML, I used Vim, a really great little text editor under Vector Linux.

In the last post I showed the original "Visceral Congestion" card in the "Harvey" stack.

Below is is what it looked like after I'd combined it with cards from the other stacks (You will also see that I've started putting in links to the Effects and Diseases sections, but not the Techniques section yet):

#card @<a href="VisceralCongestion.html">Visceral Congestion</a>
Visceral Congestion

#from from Dr JH Kellogg's Prescriptions...
<a href="../Diseases/Bronchitis.html">Bronchitis</a>
<a href="CardiacInsufficiency.html">Cardiac Insufficiency</a>
<a href="../Diseases/TyphusFever.html">Typhus Fever</a> - 2
<a href="../Diseases/Cholera.html">Cholera</a> - Hot_Blanket Pack then vigorous Cold_Mitten Friction
or Cold_Towel Rub
<a href="../Diseases/Plague.html">Plague</a> - 2
Valvular heart Disease

Treatment Method:
- Cool Abdominal_Compress removed every 2 hours for 15 min of
Fomentations to Abdomen as hot as can be borne
- Electric Light Bath 10-20 min or Sweating Pack 1-2 hours or
Vapor_Bath 6-15 min followed by Wet_Sheet_Rub or Cold_Douche
- Hot_Tub Bath at bedtime 6-10 min followed by prolonged
Neutral_Tub Bath 20-40 min
- Hot_Hip & Leg_Pack followed by Cold_Towel Rub 1-2x a day
- Hot_Blanket Pack 30 min, followed by sweating Wet_Sheet_Pack
1-2 hours 3x a day & ...
- prolonged Neutral_Tub Bath 1-2x a day.
#from from Dr JH Kellogg's Hydriatic Techniques...
Chronic: see <a href="VisceralInflammation.html">Visceral Inflammation</a> for acute cases
In all the catarrhal diseases - increased mucous ie.
<a href="../Diseases/AcuteGastritis.html">Acute Gastritis</a> & <a href="../Diseases/ChronicGastritis.html">Chronic Gastritis</a>
<a href="../Diseases/ChronicDiarrhoea.html">Chronic Diarrhoea</a>
<a href="Dyspepsia.html">Dyspepsia</a>
<a href="../Diseases/Gastroenteritis.html">Gastroenteritis</a>
<a href="../Diseases/IrritableRectum.html">Irritable Rectum</a>
<a href="BladderInflammation.html">Bladder Inflammation</a>
<a href="../Diseases/Haemorrhoids.html">Haemorrhoids</a>
<a href="../Diseases/Hepatitis.html">Hepatitis</a>
<a href="UterineDisplacements.html">Uterine Displacements</a>
<a href="Cerebro-SpinalCongestion.html">Cerebro-Spinal Congestion</a>

<a href="VisceralInflammation.html">Visceral Inflammation</a>
<a href="VisceralIrritation.html">Visceral Irritation</a> - feeling of heaviness across abdomen

<a href="../Effects/VascularAntiphlogistics.html">Vascular Antiphlogistics</a> & <a href="../Effects/CardiacAntiphlogistics.html">Cardiac Antiphlogistics</a>
- anode Galvanic Current
- cathode Galvanic Current
- Sinusoidal Current
- H&C_Spinal_Pack
- H&C_Gastro-Hepatic Compress - for upper abdomen
- H&C_Intestinal_Compress - for lower abdomen
- Wet_Girdle
- Electric Light Bath
- Wet_Sheet_Rub
- Cold_Towel Rub
- Cold_Mitten Friction
- very hot Epigastric Douche
- Cold_Douche esp if <a href="PassiveCongestion.html">Passive Congestion</a>
- derivative Scotch Douche
- stage III Wet_Sheet_Pack
- Cold_Compress early then Cooling_Compress later
<a href"../Effects/CardiacExcitant.html">Cardiac Excitant</a>
<a href="../Effects/PeripheralCirculatoryTonic.html">Peripheral Circulatory Tonic</a>
<a href="../Effects/Fluxion.html">Fluxion</a>
- Revulsive_Douche esp if chronic congestion
<a href="../Effects/Sudorific.html">Sudorific</a>
<a href="../Effects/Tonic.html">Tonic</a> to restore skin health - very important
<a href="../Effects/Analgesic.html">Analgesic</a> for associated pain
- hot Fan Douche
- Very Hot_Sitz
Also in cardiac diseases:-
<a href="../Effects/CardiacAntiphlogistics.html">Cardiac Antiphlogistics</a>
#from from Dr GK Abbott's Prescriptions...
SYN: acute internal congestion
<a href="../Diseases/AcuteNephritis.html">Acute Nephritis</a>
<a href="Eclampsia.html">Eclampsia</a> in <a href="Pregnancy.html">Pregnancy</a>
<a href="../Diseases/Erysipelas.html">Erysipelas</a>
<a href="Uraemia.html">Uraemia</a>
<a href="../Diseases/PulmonaryCongestion.html">Pulmonary Congestion</a>
acute <a href="../Diseases/Pleurisy.html">Pleurisy</a>
& in early stages of
<a href="../Diseases/Influenza.html">Influenza</a>
<a href="../Diseases/Measles.html">Measles</a>
<a href="../Diseases/ScarletFever.html">Scarlet Fever</a>

<a href="../Effects/Fluxion.html">Fluxion</a>: alternate applications &
mild Diaphoretics followed by tonic cold to send blood to the
skin & retain it there. Use
- Hot_Blanket Pack
- Revulsive_Trunk Pack
- any of the Diaphoretics followed by
- Cold_Mitten Friction
In chronic diseases:
Diaphoretics 2x a week followed by vigorous tonic

In future posts I will show you how I have achieved this with Vim.

Vim, Substitute and Escaping Code

Your browser is designed to read the HTML code on a web page and turn it into something pretty. In my next post I want to show you the code behind the HTML. In order to do that I had to "escape" the code. Of course I used Vim to do this with its Substitute capabilities.

The Substitute command has the form:

So to change the "<" on the tags in the code to one that would be displayed as code by your browser, I had to use the code "&lt;"

So my substitution looks like:


Which breaks down to mean:
% - over the whole file
s - substitute
/</ - from "<"
&lt;/ - to "&lt;"
g - global flag ie change all occurrences, by default only one occurrence is changed on each line and we usually have two.

Pretty easy eh?

Not really... It changed "<" to "<lt;"

Vim reads the "&" in the "to" to mean the "from" AND the "to". To solve I had to escape the "&".

First I had to correct my mistake and that was easy, I just pressed "u" and it "undid" the last edit command and everything was back to original.

Then I ran:


which worked perfectly. The "\" means that the letter after is not to be parsed by Vim.

The other substitutions were:


And finally but with flawed thinking:


If you have followed me so far you can imagine what the file looked like with every symbolic "&" showing up as "&amp;". But the fix was easy... "u" to undo.

So it is ready to go onto the next post.

One more point, you will notice all the pretty boxes that the code is in, I got the tip from a post by Simrandeep, "Display HTML/CSS Codes On Coloured Background In Blogger Posts"

Ready to continue?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Traditional Hydrotherapy under DOS

The original Traditional Hydrotherapy program, running under DOS, had the same contents as the new one will, with a couple of major differences:
  1. The old program was ugly. The new one will be more presentable (A pretty face counts)
  2. The old one was spread over 6 files. The new one will be linked web pages.

Here is a screenshot of the TH "Address card" running in DOSBox on Linux:

I warned you it was ugly!

Notice the six sections; from HYDRO! down to QUOTES. There are many doubles with cards on the same subject in each section. To find all you needed on any particular topic you had to search each section. I did it like this to overcome limit that Hyperhelper had on the number of cards in a stack. Also each section was from different authors or books.

Here is a screenshot of the original program open to "Visceral Congestion" in the Problems section of John:


The markup for the card "Visceral Congestion", looked like this after I'd finished with PCWrite:

#card @Visceral_Congestion
Typhus Fever - 2
Cholera - Hot_Blanket Pack then vigorous Cold_Mitten Friction
or Cold_Towel Rub
Plague - 2
Valvular heart Disease

Treatment Method:
- Cool Abdominal_Compress removed every 2 hours for 15 min of
Fomentations to Abdomen as hot as can be borne
- Electric Light Bath 10-20 min or Sweating Pack 1-2 hours or
Vapor_Bath 6-15 min followed by Wet_Sheet_Rub or Cold_Douche
- Hot_Tub Bath at bedtime 6-10 min followed by prolonged
Neutral_Tub Bath 20-40 min
- Hot_Hip & Leg_Pack followed by Cold_Towel Rub 1-2x a day
- Hot_Blanket Pack 30 min, followed by sweating Wet_Sheet_Pack
1-2 hours 3x a day & ...
- prolonged Neutral_Tub Bath 1-2x a day.

In the next few posts, I'll take you through the process of converting a Hyperhelper stack into HTML, using this card, "Visceral Congestion", as the example.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bringing Traditional Hydrotherapy out of the '80's

"Traditional Hydrotherapy" will soon be in HTML as a group of linked web pages. The original program was started before HTML was widely used and was written, under DOS, using a shareware program, PCWrite. It's main advantage was that it produced documents in plain text which is what I needed for Hyperhelper, the hypertext program that runs the original DOS programe.

Hyperhelper compiled a text file with fairly simple markup, into a hypertext stack. One of its strengths is that it doesn't need links to be marked up, as they are in HTML. The links work much like wiki words, if you have the same spelling you can just put your cursor on the word and click or and it will take you to the card of that name. Great for quick writing especially with word completion and shortcuts etc in PC Write.

Here is a short example of a short Hyperhelper stack. As you can see the structure is fairly basic

Once the Hyperhelper program was compiled you could distribute the stack. You can download the original "Traditional Hydrotherapy" stack. But you will have to run it on DOS or something like DOSBox.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Traditional Hydrotherapy - Nearly there.

After almost 20 years of work (on and off) I am getting near the release of my summary of Kellogg's and Abbott's books on hydrotherapy as web pages.

I have finished the links and have the basic web page layout. I'm busy now working out how to quickly make individual pages as automatically as possible. ( I'm really using Vim's keyboard macros heavily here)

This process equates to the 5th step of my To Do list. Although I'v already worked out most of the css from the 7th step and will probably do that at the same time.

Traditional Hydrotherapy is the hydrotherapy treatment of many diseases and conditions with extensive linkage. The information was taken mainly from books by Drs John Harvey Kellogg and George Knapp Abbott. It is meant to be used by professionals or people trained in hydrotherapy as there is little explanation of the techniques. Read more